Hi there, hope you're having a wonderful week so far. My family had a pretty laid back holiday for Labor day. We originally had plans of visiting family but sadly those plans fell through. Instead we filled the kiddie pool up for my younger kiddos to jump in an out of and let them roam the backyard. Hubby out did himself by cooking two roasts on the grill for supper Labor Day, then the left overs will carry over to a few meals this coming week.
Our older kiddos helped out by going through their rooms and downsizing their belongings.
As a mom of 6 I can tell you that we ourselves each individually don't have a lot of stuff, but together we quickly pack the house full. I myself as a child was taught everything had a place and everything in it's place. This motto my mother lives by is great for a family of 4, but doesn't always work as well for a family of 8. By the time everything is picked up another room has blown up in chaos. Younger kiddos are always getting into things to look at or try like the bigger kids. So everything naturally goes down hill from there. Besides as any mom knows when kiddos are told to pick up toys always seem to be hidden under cushions, couches, cabinets, you name it, they find a place to hide it. Always making more work to hide said toy than it would to actually put it away.
With this last week of starting our new year of homeschooling to get back in the groove of things the kids rooms fell apart and what started as a hey guys lets do a quick pick up before the weekend turned into a Marie Kondo, "does this spark joy" adventure of keep it or toss it. We also redid the bedroom arrangements for the kiddos. Sebastian has his own room for the time being, Fox and Declan are sharing, Clementine and Quentin are sharing, while little Lincoln bunks in with mom and dad.
Within the next month or so I will need to get into the stored boxes of kids clothes and reorganize how I store out of season and clothes that are too small/big. I'll also need to pull out bigger clothes mostly for Clementine, Quentin, and Lincoln. A task I'm not looking forward to but needs to be done none the less. Clementine being the only girl, we are lucky enough that my grandmother sends down hand me downs from a few of my much younger cousins. As well as clothes that my mother comes across on her now select times out, which I'll discuss in a later blog. The clothes for her range from sizes she will grow into, to fits now, or of course clothes she has outgrown.
I've often had the thought pass through that I should donate her older, smaller clothes but have yet to do so. With our biggest gap in kids being 4 years, average being 2 years. I myself am not ready to close the factory down just yet. That may change in the next few years, may not but I'd hate to throw out an entire wardrobe if there's still a chance, regardless of the slim chance of another little girl in our future. With 5 boys outnumbering Clementine I'm sure the odds are more boys, but none the less I'd rather be prepared.
With the months ahead becoming cooler I also need an idea of what each kid will need. Naturally the boys have been harder on the clothes so many have had to be tossed out, and replaced. Both Lincoln and Quentin are in need of bigger sizes from the packed away storage of clothes. All this will likely take a weekend, if not a week to slowly go through and update the kids clothes. Not a task I take lightly. nor one I want to do. None the less one that must be done.
Another goal of mine is to start downsizing the whole house. With my hubby and I looking into having a home built this coming year we are wanting to get a head start on what can be given as donations or simply tossed out instead of carrying unneeded things from one home to another. Come October My husband and myself will have a new schedule which again I'll mention in an upcoming blog. So I plan to utilize our extra time with reorganizing till my heart is content.